DATE : 02/01/2024 to 05/01/2024
VENUE : 4th Floor Seminar Hall
Resource Person : Mr. Sathish Kumar T,
Assistant Professor, Head Department of English,
St. Francis College, Koramangala, Bengaluru.

Ms. Sowmya,
Assistant Professor, Department of English,
St. Francis College, Koramangala, Bengaluru.

Faculty's Attended from Each Department.
Ms. Chandrakala Venkatesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce.
Ms. Vandana R, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce.
Ms. Anima, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce.
Mr. Shivakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce.
Ms. Aishwarya, Assistant Professor, Department of Management.
Ms. Maria Glory, Assistant Professor, Department of Management.
Ms. Usha Lakshman, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Arts.

Objectives :
1.To Equip them for the competitive exams.
2. To Cultivate and Enhance the Basic English grammar and communication skills among students.

Learning Outcomes:
1. It Enhances the skills to clear the competitive exams.
2. It Enhance and narrows down the gaps between English language and communication skills.

The second session started with introduction to English language and importance of English language. Further resource person explained the basic language skills to make communication effective and instructed to cover the below given concepts as per the syllabus.
• 70% Vocabulary.
• 30% Grammar.
• 30% Grammar.
• Verbal Ability
• Sentence Structure,
• Spot the Error,
• Fill in the Blanks,
• Idioms & Phrases,
• Cloze Passages,
• Comprehension Passages.

As per the instructions of Bengaluru City University, Department of Commerce, Management, Arts and Science of St. Francis College, Koramangala, Bengaluru had organized the workshop on employability skills specifically English language and communication skills from 02/01/2024 to 05/01/2024 in the 4th floor seminar hall for all the V semester B.COM/BBA/BA&B.SC Students in 4 batches. The resource person had briefed about the importance of English language and grammar in our day-to-day life and helped the students to solve them quickly by tricks and logics. Further the students also interacted with the resource person to clarify their doubts. Overall, the session was knowledgeable.

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