
“The meaning and content of the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution of India are of sufficient amplitudes to encompass all facets of gender equality….” Late Chief Justice J.S. Verma, Supreme Court of India, Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan

The IPE has formed a committee in accordance with Supreme Court and UGC directives. The Committee, which has been formed at St. Francis College, is responsible for conducting awareness programmes among the faculty and students. prevention and redressal of sexual harassment cases and other acts of gender based violence in the institution. The committee shall also ensure that the following objectives are met:

□ Implementation of the policy in letter and spirit through proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures.
□ Provide an environment free of gender-based discrimination.
□ Ensure equal access of all facilities and participation in activities of the college
□ Create a secure physical and social environment which will deter acts of sexual harassment
□ Promote a social and psychological environment that will raise awareness about sexual harassment in its various forms.

The Committee is responsible for all complaints of sexual harassment made:
□ By a member of the institution against any other member irrespective of whether the harassment is alleged to
    have taken place within or outside the campus.
□ By an outsider against a member of the college or by a member of the college against an outsider if the sexual harassment
    is alleged to have taken place within the campus.
□ By a member of the college against an outsider if the sexual harassment is alleged to have taken place outside the campus.
    In such cases the Committee shall recommend that the college authorities initiate action by making a complaint with the appropriate
    authority. Further, the committee will actively assist and provide available resources to the complainant in pursuing the complaint.

3-12-21 Friday A Session on the Topic: : Prevention of Sexual Harassment

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