Activity : Best Selling Food Stall and Best Hogger competition.
Date : 3rd February 2023.
Was Activity Conducted : Yes/ No - Yes.
Students attended : 70 students
Objective of Activity : To build awareness about the benefits of Healthy eating habits

Activity was executed by : Event was conducted by the members of Health Club in collaboration with Physical Education Department.

Level of Achievement : Satisfactory / Not satisfactory - Satisfactory
Activities conducted : Healthy Food Stalls, Best Hogger
Key Highlights : To help people in their wellbeing and healthy lifestyle through healthy eating habits, (To organize stalls to promote good eating habits among students)

Report on Best Selling Food Stall and Best Hogger competition by Health Club and Physical Education Department on 3rd February 2023
The program was conducted for the students to bring an awareness of healthy eating habits and the different types of healthy food recipes available for the same. A total of 14 teams participated with 5 students in each team. The stalls were arranged in the quadrangle and they could sell their respective products during the short break and lunch break. The participants sold a variety of items such as beetroot chapatti rolls, fruit salads, sprouts, tender coconut pudding, etc. Ms. Nethra (Dept of Management), Ms. Shalin (Dept of Management) were the judges of the event, they tasted food from all the stalls and chose the best healthy recipe as the winner. The participants enjoyed selling, and also made profits. The other students relished the variety of yummy healthfood.

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